Membership Information
WCASS is a statewide organization devoted to students and student services leaders through professional learning, policy and legislative advocacy, and professional networking. Our members include Student Services Directors, Faculty teaching and leading graduate and certification programs, Student Services Staff and Coaches and Consultants who directly support these individuals.
Membership dues are payable on-line with MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express, or you may select an option at the end of the on-line application to be invoiced. Join WCASS today!
Business and legal firms that want to support WCASS and benefit from connecting with our members click here to learn more.
WCASS benefits are as follows for each member type:
Note: Membership fees are eligible to be paid for through IDEA Flowthrough grant.
$425 |
Full voting and board participation access. Currently employed as Director or Assistant Director of Student Services with a current WI DPI 80 or 81 license.
Professional Membership benefits include:
- Daily Wisconsin Education News
- Discussion Starters
- Newsletter
- SAA Legislative Alerts
- SAA Membership
- WCASS Conference Discounts
- Access to Member Only section of Website
- Academy and Webinar Discounts
- Voting Rights at State and Regional WCASS meetings
- Opportunity to represent WCASS on committees
- Eligible to run for WCASS Elected Office
Note: Membership fees are eligible to be paid for through IDEA Flowthrough grant.
$275 |
Non-voting, non-office holding members. Currently employed in non-director role. Examples include: principals, district administrators, coordinators, consultants, coaches, higher ed instructors, school psychologists, school social workers, school counselors.
Associate Membership benefits include:
- Daily Wisconsin Education News
- Discussion Starters
- Newsletter
- SAA Legislative Alerts
- SAA Membership
- WCASS Conference Discounts
- Access to Member Only section of Website
$50 |
Currently enrolled in an administrative prep program. Maximum two years in this membership category.
Pre-professional Membership benefits include:
- Daily Wisconsin Education News
- Discussion Starters
- Newsletter
- SAA Legislative Alerts
- SAA Membership
- WCASS Conference Discounts
- Access to Member Only section of Website
- Academy and Webinar Discounts
$50 (free for former board members)
Non-voting, non-office holding members. No longer employed in any capacity, including private practice consulting or coaching. For retired WCASS members who want to maintain professional contacts and engage in professional learning.
Retiree Membership benefits include:
- Daily Wisconsin Education News
- Discussion Starters
- Newsletter
- SAA Legislative Alerts
- SAA Membership
- WCASS Conference Discounts