Join WCASS Today!

WCASS offers several membership categories:
Professional Membership ($425):
- Full voting and board participation access.
- Currently employed as Director or Assistant Director of Student Services with a current WI DPI 80 or 81 license.
Associate Membership ($275):
- Non-voting, non-office holding members.
- Currently employed in non-director role. Examples include: principals, district administrators, coordinators, consultants, coaches, higher ed instructors, school psychologists, school social workers, school counselors.
Pre-professional Membership ($50):
- Currently enrolled in an administrative prep program.
- Maximum two years in this membership category.
Retiree Membership ($50; or free for former board members):
- Non-voting, non-office holding members.
- No longer employed in any capacity, including private practice consulting or coaching. For retired WCASS members who want to maintain professional contacts and engage in professional learning.