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2024 WCASS Fall Conference
Wilderness Resort | Glacier Canyon Lodge
45 Hillman Rd
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965

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Thursday, October 17, 2024, 8:00 AM to Friday, October 18, 2024, 11:30 AM CST
Category: Events

Register Today! October 17-18, 2024 WCASS Fall Conference

Join your colleagues at the WCASS Fall Conference October 17-18 at the Glacier Canyon Conference Center in the Wisconsin Dells.

You don’t want to miss the chance to learn with keynote speaker Trudy Arriaga who will set a foundation for leaders to understand how to open doors for access and opportunity for all learners and use healthy values, behaviors, policies and practices that embrace student cultures as assets.

Additional session content includes: Navigating licensure options,   

Friday morning learning starts with a legal hot topics panel discussion.The ever-popular WCASS Conversations round table discussions will close the learning.


Opening Doors to Access and Opportunity

Trudy Arriaga, Ed.D.

Trudy is the co-author, with her esteemed colleague Dr. Randall B. Lindsey of Opening Doors: An Implementation Template for Cultural Proficiency which delivers a compelling account on how educators can create and expand cultures of social justice and equity by dismantling and crafting new practices on behalf of the students they serve.  

Learning Outcomes 

  • Participants view Cultural Proficiency and equity as a shared priority.
  • Participants immediately utilize the four key concepts embedded in the tools of Cultural Proficiency. 
  • Participants experience Cultural Proficiency as personal and professional work.
  • Participants use the Tools of Cultural Proficiency as a guide for addressing classroom, school and district-based equity issues.
  • Participants have the skills to ask self-reflective and break through questions of practice.  Do our actions reflect our values?
  • Participants will have the knowledge and skill for applying Cultural Proficiency’s core values, expressed as the Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency, and the standards, expressed as the Essential Elements of Cultural Competence, to their professional practice and policies.

Wilderness Resort
45 Hillman Road
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Special room rate of $90 per night.
Room block guaranteed through September 16, 2024.
After this date, the room rate will be honored if rooms are still available. Room block closes 9-16-24
Call 1-800-867-9453 and use the code: Leader #A21751

Contact: [email protected]